Our pharmacy offers a wide variety of prescription and over the counter medication. As well as nutrients, hygienic goods and herbal remedies and teas.

We proudly retail products from a broad range of cosmetics companies – Lierac, Vichy, Avene, La Roche Possay, Bioderma and Eucerin. There’s something to be found for every type of skin.

Being one of the largest pharmacy chains, we are collaborating with most of the leading insurance companies – Balta, Baltikums, BTA, ERGO, Gjensidige, IF and Seesam. Our customers can also profit from the BENU loyalty card program that offers a progressive savings system – higher savings from your combined purchases results in higher BENU points from each item purchased. So the more you buy, the more you save on each item.

BENU pharmacists are always available for any professional consultations. They will assist you with understanding the instructions of your prescribed medicine and helping you choose prophylactic activities that would benefit your health. Just ask a question and the best answer will be provided.

Working hours

V 06.30 - 22.00
VI-VII 09.00 - 21.00
I-VII 08.00–23.00
I-VII 10:00-21:00